2025年4月25日-27日 北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)
医加医打造最完整的数字医疗互联网医院平台 Yi Jia Yi Creates the Most Complete Digital Healthcare Internet Hospital Platform 让医疗触手可及,让健康无处不在! Make Health Care Benefit the Public “医加医健康科技”是香港上市公司日赢控股旗下,打造“健康中国”,践行 “数字医疗”的旗舰项目。在5G物联网时代,打造出健康万物互联的愿景,并融合 了最新科技手段,如人工智能、互联网医疗、健康管家、大数据等,构建了互联网 +医院+健康的三位一体健康生态系统。 Yi Jia Yi Health Technology is the flagship project of Hong Kong listed company, Riying Holdings Group, to create “Healthy China” and practice “Digital Healthcare”. In the era of 5G Internet of Things, Yi Jia Yi creates the vision of interconnecting everything in health, and integrates the latest technological means, such as artificial intelligence, Internet medical care, health care management, big data, etc., to an all-rounded health ecosystem of Internet+Hospital+Health.
医加医战略并购贯众互联网医院,拥有上海首个公立医院互联网医院,并率先 打通全国医保互联;同时借助互联网技术和实体医院医疗资源相结合,在全国打造 医加医互联网医院集群!致力于在全国范围内实现解决基层医疗服务最后一公里的 便捷通道!医加医科技提供6个24小时医疗服务,不仅拥有丰富的媒体矩阵进行线 上和线下传播,还在技术层面拥有15个专利,通过数字化科技手段赋能传统医疗, 让更多民众真切体验到优质医疗服务。 Yi Jia Yi has acquired Guanzhong Internet Hospital, owns the first public hospital Internet hospital in Shanghai, and takes the lead in opening up the national health insurance interconnection; as well as combining the Internet technology and the medical resources of the physical hospitals, to establish Yi Jia Yi Internet hospital clusters in the country. Yi Jia Yi is committed to achieving a convenient access to solve the last kilometre of primary healthcare services nationwide. Yi Jia Yi provides six 24-hour medical services, not only possesses a rich media matrix for online and offline dissemination, but also owns 15 patents at the technical level, empowering traditional medical care through digital technology and allowing more people to experience high-quality medical services.
医加医通过自主知识产权的主创项目——医加医健康机器人,结合其独特的 “检—预—诊—疗—护—险”六位一体化功能优势,打通各类健康资源版块,实现 一站式医疗综合服务。健康机器人作为互联网医疗服务终端,如同一个迷你医院, 以特有的八大功能版块,实现健康检测、24小时视频问诊、在线开具处方、在线刷 医保、送药到家、以及全面的健康管理和慢病管理等多项服务,构建以用户为中心 的全方位医疗健康管理服务,提供从疾病的预防-急救-治疗-康复-健康管理多维 度全方位立体化的服务模式。 Through the unique “examination- reservation -diagnosis- treatment - care -insurance” six integrated functional advantages of the Yi Jia Yi Health Robot, it integrates all kinds of health resources and realizes one-stop comprehensive medical services. As an Internet medical service terminal, the Health Robot is designed like a mini-hospital, and with its unique eight functional sections, it can achieve many services, such as health testing, 24-hour video consultation, online prescription, online medical insurance application, medicine delivery, as well as comprehensive health management and chronic disease management. It builds a user-centred all-round medical and health management service, providing a service model from disease prevention - first aid - treatment - rehabilitation - health management.
医加医数字医疗还具备特有的收益模式,其独有的供应链系统,数据系统、裂 变系统赋能门店经营管理,为投资者创造了更多的商机和财富增长空间。 Yi Jia Yi digital healthcare also boasts a unique revenue model, with its unique supply chain system, data system and fission system empowering shop management, creating more business opportunities for wealth growth for investors. 医加医怀揣着助力全民健康的使命,致力于实现健康服务“千城万店”,健康福利“千家万户”,是一艘承载利国利民并具有创业投资无限可能和价值的大健康 风口巨轮,正扬帆远航。 Yi Jia Yi adheres to the mission of promoting the health of all people, and is committed to providing health services for all families, with unlimited potential for entrepreneurial investment. We look forward to achieving a better future with you.