2025年4月25日-27日 北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)
展出产品:霍山石斛枫斗 霍山石斛花 霍山铁皮石斛枫斗 霍山铁皮石斛花 霍山石斛原浆饮品 霍山石斛含片 颗粒
展出产品:霍山石斛枫斗 霍山石斛花 霍山铁皮石斛枫斗 霍山铁皮石斛花 霍山石斛原浆饮品 霍山石斛含片 颗粒
安徽山水石上生物科技有限公司成立于2016年4月,注册地安徽省霍山县黑石 渡镇,是一家集霍山石斛组培育苗、种植、加工、销售和研发于一体的综合性科技 公司。
公司在霍山县黑石渡镇建设了87亩集约化栽培基地、在中国石斛之乡太平畈建 设了1600亩的仿野生栽培基地、在六安经济技术开发区建有年产3600万株石斛苗的 组培厂和年产6000瓶(袋)霍山石斛原浆和颗粒等剂型的深加工生产线,在北京大 兴建有40000平米的中国石斛北方博览园。
公司不仅有霍山米斛和铁皮石斛组培苗、鲜条、寸金、枫斗、花茶、纯粉等原 生态产品,也依托中科院植物所、北京农业大学和中国医学科学院药用植物研究所 等高校院所的力量,开发了颗粒、浸膏、口服液和含片等高端滋补深加工产品,未 来将继续深入合作,实现产品质量升级和产品系列多样化。
公司践行大健康的理念,以人民健康为中心,以产品研发与创新为驱动力,公 司将深耕石斛产业,用道地药材助力全民大健康的同时,也为精准扶贫与乡村振兴 做出贡献。
Anhui Shanshui Shishang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was established in April 2016, registered in Heishidu Town, Huoshan County, Anhui Province. It is a comprehensive technology company that integrates the cultivation, planting, processing, sales, and research and development of Huoshan Dendrobium. The company has built an intensive cultivation base of 87 acres in Heishidu Town, Huoshan County, a simulated wild cultivation base of 1600 acres in Taipingfan, the hometown of Dendrobium in China, a tissue culture factory with an annual output of 36 million Dendrobium seedlings in Lu’an Economic and Technological Development Zone, and a deep processing production line with an annual output of 6000 bottles (bags) of Huoshan Dendrobium raw pulp and granules. It has also built a 40000 square meter Chinese Dendrobium North Expo Park in Daxing, Beijing. The company not only has original ecological products such as tissue cultured seedlings of Dendrobium huoshanense and Dendrobium officinale, fresh strips, cunjin, fendou, scented tea, and pure powder, but also has developed high-end nourishing and deeply processed products such as granules, Concentrated Juice, liquids, and buccal tablet by relying on the strength of the Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Agricultural University, and the Institute of Medicinal Plants of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and will continue to cooperate in the future to upgrade product quality and product series diversification. The company practices the concept of healthy China policy, with people’s health as the center and product research and innovation as the driving force. The company will deeply cultivate the Dendrobium industry, use authentic medicinal materials to help national health, and also make contributions to targeted poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.