

2025年4月25日-27日         北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆) 

展商介绍/Enterprise brief introduction







细胞卫士是基于专利ZL201510197404.9研发的压片糖果,自2022年4月份上 市以来,得到了广大客户的一致好评。

功用:驱三尸虫;养阴润肺;补脾益气,滋肾填精。 主治:阴虚劳嗽;肺燥咳嗽;脾虚乏力;食少口干;肾亏腰膝酸软;耳鸣目 暗;体虚赢瘦;驱三尸虫。

新冠疫情以来,鉴于很多人处于高危环境,考虑到携带和服用方便的问题,因 此将其设计成了压片糖果,无论是含服、嚼服、吞服,随时、随地都可以食用,多少随意,非常方便! 发明这个组方的目的是为了驱除三尸虫,预防亚健康。因为这个组方即可治 病,久服能增强体质,预防亚健康。所以获得了国家专利。 细菌、病毒、寄生虫等病原微生物广泛存在于大自然中,人随时随地都可能被 感染,感染量少时人只是轻微不适,不会引起注意,日积月累,等到了感染数量大 时,人体产生咳嗽、发烧、 头晕、头疼、腹痛等一系列症状时,人们往往去医院就 医(输液或用抗生素)抗生素的滥用,造就了很多超级细菌;即给身体带来了伤害, 又影响了工作、学习,给社会和家庭带来了负担。

我们都知道要有一个完善的免疫系统,才能对抗病毒,才能拥有一个健康的身 体。

专利ZL201510197404.9是基于健康定理设计的:人体是由细胞构成的,每个 细胞都健康,人一定健康,构成人体的细胞内有寄生虫,人的健康就不会100%。 这个专利组方是驱三尸虫的,驱除了三尸虫,构成人体的基本单元——细胞,健康 了,人的免疫力自然就完善了,人就健康了,就不易被病原微生物侵扰了。 这个专利组方中,有3味抗病毒的药物;1味解热解痉药物;1味抗疲劳,抗氧 化药物;3味增强免疫细胞吞噬功能的药物,还有护肝、利胆、抗肿瘤的药物;所 以这个专利组方即可治病,久服能增强体质,预防亚健康。是当之无愧的细胞卫 士!

爱家人,从保护他每一个细胞开始~细胞卫士,人人必备! 细 胞 卫 士! 升 级 你 体 内 的 防 御 系 统 !

Cell Guard! Healthy defensive shield! Cell Guardian is a tablet candy developed based on patent  ZL201510197404.9. Since its launch in April 2022, it has received unanimous  praise from customers. Function: Drive out the three dead insects; Nourishing yin and moistening  the lungs; Nourishing the spleen and tonifying qi, nourishing the kidneys and  replenishing essence. Indications: Yin deficiency and cough; Lung dryness cough; Spleen  deficiency and weakness; Eat less and have a dry mouth; Kidney deficiency and  soreness in the waist and knees; Tinnitus and dark eyes; Physical deficiency wins  over thin body; Drive away the three dead insects. Since the COVID-19, many people have been in a high-risk environment.  Considering the convenience of carrying and taking, it has been designed as  tablet candy. It can be eaten at any time and anywhere, no matter whether it is  taken by hand, chewed or swallowed. It is very convenient! The purpose of inventing this formula is to drive out the Three Corpse Worm  and prevent sub health. Because this formula can treat diseases, long-term use  can enhance physical fitness and prevent sub health. So we obtained a national  patent. Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other pathogenic microorganisms are widely  present in nature, and people can be infected anytime and anywhere. When the  infection is small, people only feel slight discomfort and do not pay attention.  Over time, when the number of infections is large, the human body experiences  a series of symptoms such as cough, fever, dizziness, headache, abdominal pain, etc. People often go to the hospital for medical treatment (infusion or use of  antibiotics). The abuse of antibiotics has created many super bacteria; Not only  does it cause harm to the body, but it also affects work and learning, bringing  burden to society and families. We all know that we need a sound immune system to fight against viruses  and have a healthy body. Patent ZL201510197404.9 is designed based on the health theorem: the  human body is composed of cells, each cell is healthy, and humans must be  healthy. If there are parasites in the cells that make up the human body, human  health will not be 100%. This patent formula is designed to drive away the three  dead insects, which form the basic unit of the human body - cells. Once healthy,  human immunity will naturally improve, and people will be healthy, making them  less susceptible to infection by pathogenic microorganisms. In this patent formula, there are three antiviral drugs; 1 antipyretic and  spasmodic medication; 1 anti-fatigue and antioxidant drug; 3 drugs that enhance  the phagocytic function of immune cells, as well as drugs that protect the liver,  promote gallbladder function, and fight against tumors; So this patent formula can  treat diseases, and long-term use can enhance physical fitness and prevent sub  health. You are a well-deserved cell guardian! Love your family, starting from protecting every cell of them. Cell guardians  are essential for everyone! Cell Guardian! Upgrade your internal defense system! 诚邀有识之士合作加盟,使研究所的成果早日普及造福人类。 We sincerely invite knowledgeable individuals to collaborate and join us, so  that the achievements of the research institute can be popularized and benefit  humanity as soon as possible.

青岛泽生弓形虫病研究所专题研究驱虫食品及弓形虫检测设备,可以根据您的 需求加工定制。 研究所是由孙宝江先生自费创立的。孙宝江先生多年来一直致力于弓形虫病的 研究工作,取得了世界性突破。他发明的弓形虫检测设备(使弓形虫的临床检测准 确率为99.99%)和治疗药物(纯中药制剂,高效低毒)先后获得了国家专利,这两 项发明使我国在弓形虫病的检测和治疗中处于国际领先地位。 在多年的研究和临床实践中,孙宝江先生发现了医学定理,创立了弓形虫理 论。该理论,用于指导临床、开发智力、延寿工程和优生工程。在指导临床过程 中,证实了诸多疑难病(如糖尿病、冠心病、脑血栓等)的病原微生物是弓形虫。 揭示了糖尿病、冠心病、高血压、脑血栓、抑郁症、神经官能症…等多种不明病因 的疑难病与弓形虫的关系,使之不在疑难,成为可以从根本上治疗的疾病。 此项技术的推广必将带来巨大的社会效益,必将使我国成为世界上最健康、智 慧、长寿、优秀而强大的民族! 研究所拥有五项国家专利。有多篇论文获得金奖。拥有多项自主知识产权。自 主研发的驱虫产品有:细胞卫士压片糖果;抗弓压片糖果;君渴觅固体饮料;君渴 觅植物饮品;弓形虫(三尸虫检测系统);

Qingdao Zesheng Toxoplasmosis Research Institute specializes in  researching insect repellent foods and Toxoplasma testing equipment, which canbe customized according to your needs. The research institute was founded by Mr. Sun Baojiang at his own expense.  Mr. Sun Baojiang has been committed to the research of toxoplasmosis for many  years and has achieved a world-class breakthrough. His invention of Toxoplasma  gondii detection equipment (which achieved a clinical detection accuracy of  99.99%) and therapeutic drugs (pure traditional Chinese medicine preparation,  high efficiency and low toxicity) have successively obtained national patents.  These two inventions have put China in an international leading position in the  detection and treatment of Toxoplasma gondii. After years of research and clinical practice, Mr. Sun Baojiang discovered  medical theorems and founded the theory of Toxoplasma gondii. This theory  is used to guide clinical practice, intellectual development, life extension  engineering, and eugenics engineering. In guiding the clinical process, it was  confirmed that the pathogenic microorganism of many difficult diseases (such  as diabetes, coronary heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, etc.) was Toxoplasma  gondii. It reveals the relationship between Toxoplasma gondii and many difficult  diseases with unknown etiology, such as diabetes, coronary heart disease,  hypertension, cerebral thrombosis, depression, neurosis, etc. The promotion of this technology will undoubtedly bring huge social benefits  and make China the healthiest, wisest, longlived, excellent, and powerful nation in  the world! The research institute holds five national patents. Several papers have won  gold medals. We have multiple independent intellectual property rights. The  self-developed insect repellent products include: Cell Guardian Tablet Candy;  Anti arch compression candy; Jun thirst for solid drinks; You are thirsty for plant  drinks; Toxoplasma gondii (Three Corpse Insect Detection System);
