2025年4月25日-27日 北京中国国际展览中心(朝阳馆)
我院自主研发的院内制剂品种,包括硬胶囊剂、合剂、颗粒剂、洗剂、酊剂 等多个剂型,主要有:壮瑶药特色的石崖茶清火胶囊(曾获广西十大院内制剂展出 品牌称号)、棒柄花叶清肝胶囊、壮瑶药洗剂;抗疫用药清瘟保康茶、扶正清肺 合剂;脑病科的清脑化瘀胶囊、芪蛭丹通络胶囊、中风通络洗剂、七味酸枣安神合 剂;心血管科的三七通脉止痛胶囊、人参通脉合剂、绞股蓝消悸合剂;骨伤推拿科 的苁蓉壮骨胶囊、十味颈舒胶囊、壮肾健骨合剂、壮腰通痹胶囊、铜皮铁皮跌打 酊;脾胃科的铁皮石斛养胃祛萎合剂、健脾消痞颗粒、健脾止泻颗粒;肝病科的清 肝化浊胶囊;呼吸科的银翘风热感冒颗粒、绞股蓝合剂、陈夏化痰合剂;儿科的小 儿痰热消合剂;妇科的十味调经胶囊;肿瘤科的金荞麦扶正胶囊;眼科的健脾增视 颗粒;风湿病科的通降尿酸颗粒;内分泌科的糖痹消胶囊;男性科的十味益肾胶 囊;肛肠科的消痔坐浴洗剂等。
玉林市中医医院成立于1960年,是全国前50强中医医院、国家三级甲等中医 医院、国家医师资格实践技能考试基地、国家中医住院医师规范化培训基地、国家 区域中医(推拿)诊疗中心、中国胸痛中心,国家高级卒中中心、全国高血压达标 中心、广西区域中医(脑病科、推拿科)诊疗中心、广西中医特色康复服务示范医 院、广西中医外治法示范基地、广西中医药壮瑶医药智慧中医医院、广西中医药管 理局壮瑶制剂孵化基地、数字广西建设标杆引领重点示范单位。广西中医药大学第 五附属医院、第五临床医学院。
医院开放床位1800张,现有职工1483人,开设38个临床科室,17个医技科 室。拥有全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师1名,桂派中医大师1 名,广 西名老中医1 人,广西名中医3人,玉林市名老中医4 人,玉林市名中医7 人,玉林 名医8 名。
拥有国家区域诊疗中心1个、国家重点专科3个(脑病科、推拿科、治未病 科);广西区域诊疗中心2个、省级重点专科7个(脾胃病科、肿瘤科、心病科、肝 胆病科、儿科、妇产科、风湿科)、自治区重点学科4个(针灸推拿学、心病学、 老年医学、肺病学);市级重点专科8个(骨伤科、儿童康复科、肺病科、老年病科、肾病科、内分泌病科、肛肠科、中医乳腺病科),形成了以重点专科为龙头, 以点带面,带动普通科室、医技等相关科室全面发展的良好格局。
医院开设有国医堂、中医外治区,广泛开展针灸、刮痧、拔罐、推拿等60余项 中医治疗技术,住院中医治疗率高达96.26%。 医院拥有民族医药制剂中心,具有十种剂型生产线、生产四十个品种的规模, 以广西壮药、瑶药民族制剂为重点研发方向,自主研发并获得注册批文的院内制剂 品种合计45个,2021年产值达到3000万元。其中已研发的品种,“棒柄花叶清肝 胶囊”是广西首个获批的壮瑶药院内制剂;“石崖茶清火胶囊”荣获广西十大中药 民族药制剂展出品牌 ;“清瘟保康茶”、“扶正清肺合剂”是广西首批获得制剂批 文的抗疫制剂。 2022年门急诊服务量115万人次,出院量4.6万人次。国家公立医院绩效考核, 2018年—2021年连续四年获得A级,最好成绩是在全国585家三级中医院排名第 34。
YuLin Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was established in 1960. It is one of the top 50 TCM hospitals in China, a national tertiary-grade Class A TCM hospital, a national medical practitioner practical skill examination base, a national standardized training base for TCM hospitalization physicians, a national regional TCM (massage) diagnosis and treatment center, a Chinese chest pain center, a national advanced stroke center, a national hypertension standardization center, a Guangxi regional TCM (neurology and massage) diagnosis and treatment center, a Guangxi TCM rehabilitation service model hospital, a Guangxi TCM external treatment demonstration base, a Guangxi TCM medicine Zhuang-Yao medicine smart TCM hospital, a Zhuang-Yao preparation incubation base of the Guangxi TCM administration bureau, and a key demonstration unit for the construction of digital Guangxi. It is the fifth-affiliated hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine and the fifth clinical medical college.
The hospital has 1,800 open beds, 1,483 employees, 38 clinical departments, and 17 medical technology departments. It has one national expert in traditional Chinese medicine for academic experience inheritance and guidance, one famous master of the Gui Branch of traditional Chinese medicine, one famous traditional Chinese medicine expert in Guangxi, three famous traditional Chinese medicine experts in Guilin, four famous traditional Chinese medicine experts in Yulin, seven famous traditional Chinese medicine experts in Yulin, and eight famous doctors in Yulin.
It has one national regional diagnosis and treatment center, three national key specialties (neurology, massage, and prevention of disease), two Guangxi regional diagnosis and treatment centers, seven provincial key specialties (spleen and stomach diseases, oncology, cardiac diseases, liver and gall diseases, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and rheumatology), and four autonomous region key disciplines (acupuncture and massage, cardiac diseases, geriatrics, and pulmonology). It also has eight municipal key specialties (orthopedics, pediatric rehabilitation, pulmonology, geriatric medicine, nephrology, endocrinology, proctology, and TCM breast disease). The hospital has formed a good patternof comprehensive development driven by key specialties, with common departments and medical technology departments. The hospital has a national medicine hall and a TCM external treatment area. It widely uses more than 60 TCM treatment techniques, including acupuncture, scraping, cupping, and massage, with a high rate of TCMtreatment reaching 96.26%.
The hospital has a national ethnic medicine preparation center, with ten production lines for forty varieties of preparations. With Guangxi Zhuang medicine and Yao medicine ethnic preparations as the focus of research and development, the hospital has independently developed and obtained registration certificates for a total of 45 varieties of in-house preparations. The output value in 2021 reached 30 million yuan. Among the developed varieties, “Bangbinghuayeqinggan capsules” is the first Zhuang-Yao hospital preparation approved in Guangxi. “Shiya chaqinghuojiaonang” won the top ten Chinese medicine ethnic medicine preparation brand in Guangxi. “Qingwen baokang tea” and “Fuzhengqingfei decoction” are the first batch of anti-epidemic preparations to obtain preparation certificates in Guangxi. In 2022, the hospital served 1.15 million outpatient and emergency patients, and discharged 46,000 patients. In the national public hospital performance assessment, it has continuously ranked A-level from 2018 to 2021, with the best ranking being 34th among 585 national tertiary TCM hospitals.